Make search experience better on Quipper student platform

Monday, February 28, 2022

Project Scope


Product Designer


Global Recommendation


Help a user (student) perform searches and make them easier when finding the content


January 2022 - May 2022

Project Background

Quipper Learn is the learning platform that helps students to learn something. Currently, we already have Search functionality. The search feature really helps users to get the content that they want. When we first released our search feature in FY20, on average we had 5% active users using search and generated 7.86% of overall VLT (Video Learning Time). After that, in early FY21, we also enhanced our search feature by allowing Quiz Search and updating our indexing in Video search. After those enhancements until Jan 17th, 2021, on average we have 7.1% active users are using search and generated 7.6% of overall VLT. Based on that data, we can see that usage of the feature is increasing, but the VLT generation is lower than last year.

Then, we are looking at what is the pattern of our users, when they do searching activity. We took a look at the search logs and found that most users are using grade, and subject name.

Based on all of that mentioned above, we try to make a better experience when the student finding the content while giving a reliable offers might match for them..

Existing Search Experience

Existing search flow

At the current existing flow, students have the capability to search the content based on their keyword. Also, the content is separated into 2 two types of content (Video and Quiz)

Currently, search features contribute to generating 7.6% of overall Video Learning Time.

Data insight

User Proto Persona

Analyzing pain points: Existing Search Flow

Currently, the student can search the content by submitting the keyword, but it has some problems that caused pain points for the student. Also on the search result page, this page has so much information. The challenge is to make the information easy to scan by the student.

The several problem mentioned on user journey below

We currently have some problems, then what should we do?

A student that doesn’t know what they want to learn

Students that want to learn something but don't know or don’t have an idea about what they want to learn.

A student that doesn’t have a specific keywords to search for

Students know the topic that they want, but don't know the exact keyword to search for.

How might we give a user inspiration about something to learn?

Too much information on the current card structure.

If I was a user on the current UI card, I would feel confused when reading the content on the card. It’s so much information that makes us confused. And the other pain point is, the UI is so messed up, and the hierarchy is so bad that it makes the user confused when reading the card.

How might we make the user easier when scanning the information?

Hard to find specific contents

User can search on our platform by the keyword, but the function, it’s not good. If I were a user, I could search for the keyword, but it’s hard to find the content we're looking for.

How might we make user faster when they’re finding the content?

Transform a challenge to an idea

Put the solution to user flow

Making the idea visible

High fidelity

1. Give a Suggestion to user

To inspire students that want to search the content, we try to give them the trending keyword, and if the student have been searching content before, we try to give them the recent keyword.

Then, if the people are typing at least 2 characters, we try to give the keyword suggestions.

2. Make information on search result page better

3. Make Search Filter

To make student easier for students to find the content, we provide the search filter. Based on the data, the most searched keyword is Subject and Grade. In our content structure also, we have the subject and grade as a content group. So we decided to make Subject and Grade as the filter criteria, so the student can filter the content based on Grade and Subject.Then, we also include the Curricullum as the filter criteria, so the user can choose the specific curricullum that they need to learn.

4. Give an idea to user if content not found

When a user can’t find the content, we will show the state that gives them a recommendation based on the content of the week. Hopefully it will inspire student to learn.

What’s next?

For now, this project is released on Quipper learn web (student platform). After the implementation has been done, we can take a look at the results from the data tracker and after that, we will do some evaluation based on the result.

Measuring the design solution impact

Metrics that were measured in this case

The metrics that are measured in this case are the user that consumes the content from the search result pages before and after release.

Platform: Web

20 day Before Implementation (29 March - 18 Apr 2022)

The user using search feature: 100 user

The user that clicked content from a search result: 32

After Implementation (19 Apr - 9 May 2022) :

The user using search feature: 100

The user that clicked content from a search result: 68

Overall new search feature increases the content consumption rate from the search result pages.