Revamped Search Experience, Boosting Content Consumption from 32% to 68%



Product Designer



January 2022 - May 2022



Global Recommendation Team (PM, Designer, Engineer, QA)



Web (Desktop & Mobile), Android, iOS

Design Implementation on Mobile iOS

Design Implementation on Mobile iOS

Design Implementation on Mobile iOS

Design Implementation on Mobile iOS


This project Increase the CTR from 32% to 68% of the content consumption from search funnel after implement the new design



Quipper is the Learning Management System. One of the product is Learn Platform, this is the platform for student that helps them learn something through the content.

Project Goal

Help a user (student) perform searches and make them easier when finding the content. On a business side, we want to grow the Learning Time.



At 2021, 90K queries are generated on search feature.


But, only 6% users that consume the content.


User Feedback

Students have difficulty finding the content they want to learn. Especially from the Search funnel.

User Problem

• The content that appears does not match user preferences

• Difficult to read the information in search results

• Sometimes I'm confused about what to study.


• Find out what preferences students want.

• What makes it difficult for students to digest information?

• How to inspire students•?


Quantitative Research

Analyzing the keyword that is used by students when browsing the content. Then, try to calculate the keyword group.

Qualitative Research

User interviews with some different type of students. Try to know they behaviour when browse the content.

Problem 1

What is preferences that students want?

To answer the question, we took a look at the search logs and found that most users are using grade, and subject name. Beside that, we have the insight from the teacher that will be good if we can select the curicullum.

Quantitative data showed that Subject and Grade is the most used keyword.

Quantitative data showed that Subject and Grade is the most used keyword.

Quantitative data showed that Subject and Grade is the most used keyword.

Quantitative data showed that Subject and Grade is the most used keyword.

User preferences

User preferences

User preferences

User preferences

Problem 2

What make user difficult to read the information?

Existing search result page

Existing search result page

Existing search result page

Existing search result page

Pain Points on Search Result Pages

Pain Points on Search Result Pages

Pain Points on Search Result Pages

Pain Points on Search Result Pages

Problem 3

How to inspire student to learn?

Following numerous user interviews, we identify two distinct user types during their process for searching the content.


After knowing all the insight, I realize that the root causes is the content structure. This is need to be improved.


Content structure agreed upon by stakeholders

Content structure agreed upon by stakeholders

Content structure agreed upon by stakeholders

Content structure agreed upon by stakeholders

At this phase, we started to observe our data structure and discussed it with the other stakeholders (Content team, PM and Engineer) to make it align.


Solution 1

Filter by students preferences

To make student easier to find the content, we provide the search filter.

Based on the data, the most searched keyword is Subject, Grade and Curicullum.

UI Interaction when user set the filter criteria

Solution 2

Make user easier when scanning on result page.

Make user easier when scanning result page.

There are several problem on search result page. We need to make it better. We try to start to identify the most important information for student and exploring some idea.

Video Card UI Exploration

Final UI Design For Search Result Page

Search result page implementation

Search result page implementation

Solution 3

Give an inspiration about "Something to learn"

To motivate learners who wish to explore the material, we strive to provide them with trending keywords, and if they has previously browsed content, we attempt to offer them the recent keywords.

Showing an empty state when student tap the search field with recent keyword and without it.

Keyword recommendation when user typing 2 character.



20 days before a new design implementation.


20 days after a new design implemented.

The metrics that are measured in this case are the user that consumes the content from the search result pages before and after release.
We try to record the data 20 day before implementations and 20 day after it implemented. It shows that the new search feature increase the consumption rate from 32% to 68%.

The metrics that are measured in this case are the user that consumes the content from the search result pages before and after release.
We try to record the data 20 day before implementations and 20 day after it implemented. It shows that the new search feature increase the consumption rate from 32% to 68%.